Would you love to feel Divine creative energy pouring through your body, mind, and heart?


How would your life change if all judgment simply fell away and Light revealed the freshness and joy of each new moment?

What would your life be like if you felt Divine inspiration flowing to and through you, moment by moment?

When we contact the energy of Divine Creativity we are contacting the energy of vitality, healing, light, love, and laughter.

Join us for this 16-day eCourse and open up to the flow of Divine Creativity. Watch from your phone or laptop for just a few minutes each day.

What will you receive?

  • 16 daily videos with inspiring messages shared by Swami Nityananda

  • Daily email messages with a daily gift of joy and transformational intentions

  • A bonus meditation video

How much does it cost?

Tuition for all our eCourses is self-determined. If that seems unusual and intriguing, click the button below to learn more and to register.

Questions? Please email eCourses@AwakeYogaMeditation.org.